Commencement at College of San Mateo - Overview


Commencement is a significant and memorable event that symbolizes a student's scholastic accomplishment. It is a time when the faculty, attired in academic dress, pays tribute to the graduating class, and is also an occasion that is very meaningful to family and friends. 

College of San Mateo will be holding its 97th Commencement Ceremony on:  

Date: Friday, May 24, 2019
Times:   Rehearsal: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Procession Assembly: 4:30 - 5:10 p.m.
Ceremony: Start - 5:30 p.m., End - 7:45 p.m. (Approximately)
Locations:   Rehearsal: Building 8 - Large Gymnasium
Procession Assembly: Olympic Lot 12, Behind Building 8
Ceremony:Building 8 - Large Gymnasium
Speaker: Mr. Alfredo Aguirre, LCSW

                 CSM Alumnus, Class of 1973
                 Director of Behavioral Health Services of San Diego County (Retired)
                 2008 Mental Health Person of the Year
                 2011 Hope Award
                 2014 National Alliance on Mental Illness California Outstanding Mental Health Director
                 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Association of County
                          Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Directors                            
Reception: Bayview Dining Room, College Center Building 10
Immediately following the ceremony
Light refreshments served

Registration:  April 22 to May 17 at Bookstore

All students approved to graduate by Admissions and Records will receive an invitation and information about the ceremony. 

Guests will require tickets for entry into Building 8, Gymnasium.  Parking permit not required.

Souvenir DVDs will be available to purchase through!