Commencement at College of San Mateo - Associate Degree Candidates
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Associate Degree Graduates

In order to participate in Commencement, you must complete all course requirements for an associate degree and be approved by Admission & Records to graduate. See Graduation requirements.

Step 1: Register for Commencement Ceremony
Once you have been approved to graduate, you will receive an invitation in the mail to participate in the ceremony. All graduates must complete a registration card in the Bookstore between April 22 and May 17. Picture ID is required.  If a graduate does not register by May 17, we cannot guarantee participation in the ceremony.  

Step 2: Obtain Tickets
After completing registration, you will receive tickets, up to four maximum per graduate, to provide to your family and friends.  

Step 3: Purchase Cap, Gown and Tassel

To participate in Commencement, students must be attired in a black cap and gown, and CSM’s blue and white tassel. Should a graduate already own a black cap and gown, it is not required to get a new attire. However, a CSM blue and white tassel must still be purchased. The whole attire including announcements to family and friends can be purchased at the CSM Bookstore.

Cap, Gown & Tassel   $36.95 plus tax 
Stole/Sash (Optional)   $32.95 plus tax
Complete Outfit (Gown/Cap/Tassel/Stole)     $64.95 plus tax

Step 4: Attend Rehearsal
All graduates are strongly encouraged to attend the rehearsal so that they will know the order of events. There will only be one rehearsal on Friday, May 24 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am in the Large Gymnasium, Building 8. If you have an unavoidable conflict with the rehearsal time, please notify us by emailing

Step 5: Graduation Day Check-in, Ceremony and Reception

On the day of Commencement, all graduates must check-in at the Graduate Table and line-up in the Assembly Area behind the Gym beginning at 4:30 p.m. You will enter from Olympian Lot 12. If a graduate is not checked-in by 5:10 pm we cannot guarantee participation in the ceremony. The ceremony promptly begins at 5:30 pm after the procession into Building 8. Immediately following the ceremony there will be a reception held in the Bayview Dining Room in College Center, Building 10. Light refreshments will be served.

Step 6: Receive your Diploma
Graduates will receive their diplomas by mail in the summer following the ceremony. During Commencement, students are presented with a Certificate of Participation only. For information regarding diploma mailing timelines, please contact or call (650) 574-6165 after the spring semester.