Equity at College of San Mateo - Resources

Equity Library: Readings and Resources 

Below are a list of readings and resources. If you are interested in a text but cannot locate a copy, please come to the Equity Office in 18-206B and we can provide you a copy to borrow!
  • New Jim Crow (Alexander, 2010)
  • Intersectionality (Crenshaw, 1989)
  • "Multiplication is For White People": Raising Expectations for Other People's Children (Delpit, 2012)
  • Critical Hope (Duncan-Andrade, 2009)
  • The Art of Critical Pedagogy: Possibilities for Moving from Theory to Practice in Urban Schools (Duncan-Andrade & Morrell, 2008)
  • Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Freire, 1970)
  • Case Studies on Diversity and Social Justice Education, 2nd edition (Gorski & Pothini, 2018)
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (Hammond, 2017)
  • Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom (hooks, 1994)
  • Mathmatics for Equity: A Framework for Successful Practice (Nasir, Cabana, Shreve, Woodbury, & Louie, 2014)
  • Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning for Justice in a Changing World (Paris and Alim, 2017)
  • Everyday Anti-Racism: Getting real about Race in School (Pollock, 2008)
  • Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys (Rios, 2011)
  • Revolutionary STEM Education: Critical Reality Pedagogy and Social Justice in STEM for Black Males (Sims, 2018)
  • Courageous Conversations About Race (Singleton & Linton, 2006)
  • Stereotype Threat (Steele, 1995)