Counseling Services at College of San Mateo - Student Educational Plan (SEP)
Counseling Services

Student Educational Plan (SEP)

An SEP is a suggested educational plan created by a counselor to help you move toward your goals to earn a degree, a certificate and/or transfer to a university to complete a bachelor's degree.

If you are working on any of these goals, you should meet with a counselor to develop your (SEP) before you register for your first semester. Then, meet with a counselor at least once a semester to review your SEP to have it updated or modified as needed.

The best time to schedule your appointment for your SEP is:

Fall Semester (to plan for Spring)
Spring Semester (to plan for Summer and Fall)
September - October
February - March

Students who have completed lower division coursework at other colleges and universities and wish to apply that coursework to completion of a College of San Mateo certificate, associate degree, or to a California State University General Education Certification, or to an IGETC Certification should have their transcripts officially evaluated. For more information visit the Transcript Evaluation website.