Counseling Services at College of San Mateo - Special Programs
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Counseling Services
Special Programs

Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS)
Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) counselors and staff provide assistance to students with verified physical, psychological and specific learning disabilities. If you are struggling in your classes, please contact DSPS services for an assessment. You might be eligible to receive services such as longer test taking or test taking in a quiet area. 

Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS)
EOPS is a support service available for full-time students who need additional services to successfully pursue their educational and vocational goals. Support services include priority registration, counseling, book vouchers, transportation, tutoring, and peer advising. Contact EOPS to find out if you qualify (650) 574-6154.

Multicultural Center/Dream Center
The Multicultural Center/Dream Center counselors provide academic and personal counseling in a supportive, culturally-enriching environment. Counselors are bilingual and knowledgeable about services specific to different student populations including AB540 students, LGBTQIA+ and former foster youth. Call (650) 574-6154 for more information or to schedule an appointment with a counselor.