Financial Aid Services at College of San Mateo - California College Promise Grant (CCPG)
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Financial Aid Services

California College Promise Grant (CCPG)

Formerly Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOGFW)

How do I obtain a California College Promise Grant?

Part-time or full-time students may qualify for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) as explained below. Arrangements for assistance should be made prior to registration. You can apply for the CCPG via WebSMART.

What is the California College Promise Grant?

Method A

  1. Be a California Resident
  2. Receive TANF/CalWORKS or SSI/SSP (Supplemental Security Income / State Supplemental Program) or General Assistance / General Relief while enrolled.
  3. Sign an application under penalty of perjury that he/she is a program recipient and provide documentation such as an Aid Verification Summary (TANF), copy of a Benefits Letter from the Social Security Administration Office (SSI), photocopy of the most recent public assistance check (General Assistance).

Method B

  1. Be a California Resident
  2. Meet the income standard described in the chart below:
  3. Part-time or full-time students may qualify for the California College Promise Grant as explained below. Arrangements for assistance should be made prior to registration.
California College Promise Grant
2018-2019 Income Standards2019-2020 Income Standards
Family Size2016 IncomeFamily Size2017 Income
1 $18,090 1 $18,210
2 $24,360 2 $24,690
3 $30,630 3 $31,170
4 $36,900 4 $37,650
5 $43,170 5 $44,130
6 $49,440 6 $50,610
7 $55,710 7 $57,090
8 $61,980 8 $63,570
Each Additional
Family Member
$6,270 Each Additional
Family Member

Method C

  1. Be a California Resident
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and request the information be sent to the district college you plan to attend
  3. You will receive a confirmation that the FAFSA was processed generally within two days after completing that process
  4. It can take 2-3 weeks to process the completed application

Special Classification

  1. Be a California Resident
  2. Have certification from the California Department of Veterans Affairs or the National Guard Adjutant General that you are eligible for a dependent's fee waiver
  3. Have a certification from the Department of Veterans Affairs or the CA Victim Compensation and government Claims Board that you are eligible as a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor as a child of a recipient or a dependent of a victim of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack
  4. Have documentation that you are eligible as a dependent of a deceased law enforcement / fire suppression personnel killed in line of duty

New Eligibility Regulations Effective Fall 2016

California Community College Grant students receiving the CCPG must meet minimum academic and progress standards to remain eligible for the CCPG due to changes made by SB 1456 Student Success Act if 2012 to Title 5 of the California Education Code.

Students must:
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (Academic Standard)
  • Successfully complete at least 50% of all units attempted (Progress Standard)
If a student is placed on academic and/or progress probation for two consecutive primary terms (fall or spring semester), they will lose eligibility for the California College Promise Grant as well as enrollment priority. For more information and on this regulation and the conditions by which students can appeal, please check our district probation and district student forms pages.

Students are encouraged to utilize the numerous support services on campus to help them regain good academic standing.