Financial Aid Services at College of San Mateo - Disbursement Options
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Financial Aid Services

Disbursement Options

Student Refunds

The San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD) has partnered with BankMobile Disbursements to deliver your financial aid and scholarship refund. We are committed to providing students with clear choices and offering great customer service. For more information about BankMobile, visit

Students with pending financial aid or scholarship refunds will receive a personal code in the mail via a green envelope or in an email from BankMobile. Students may also request a personal code directly through the BankMobile site. The personal code allows you to sign up for one of two electronic options to deposit your money - either direct deposit to your existing bank account or to a BankMobile VIBE Checking Account.

Please Note: If prompted to enter your school name, use San Mateo County Community College District.
We are enrolled with BankMobile as a college district, not as three separate colleges.

Terms of Agreement

For additional information, view our client contract and profile with BankMobile, a Division of Customers Bank