Financial Aid Services at College of San Mateo - California Dream Act
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Financial Aid Services

California Dream Act

What is the California Dream Act?

¿Qué es la Ley Dream de California?

The California Dream Act of 2011 was passed into laws AB 130 and AB 131. At College of San Mateo, these laws allow AB 540 eligible students to apply for and receive several types of financial aid, including:
  • California College Promise Grant
  • State financial aid like Cal Grants and Chafee Grants
  • Assistance from EOPS, CARE or CalWORKs
  • Privately-funded scholarships
If you need assistance filling out your CA Dream Application please visit us for one-on-one assistance at the Learning Center.
More Information Who is an AB540 Student?
  • Attended a California high school for at least three years;
  • Graduated from a California high school, got a GED or passed the California High School Proficiency Exam;
  • Are registered or enrolled at a California community college and
  • If required, complete an affidavit saying you have filed (or will file when you are eligible to do so) or legal immigration status
Step 1: Determine if you are AB540 Eligible Step 2: Submit Dream Act Applications
Once you have been determined AB540 eligible, please complete and submit either of the following applications:
Note: If you have already submitted a CA Dream Act Application and have questions, please contact the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) at or (888)224-7268.

Available Types of Aid Questions?
Contact Olivia Cortez-Figueroa at or (650) 574-6148. Special Application for 540 Students under the California Dream Act