METaS at College of San Mateo - Overview


Contact Us

Central Hall Building 16, Room 151
(650) 574-6668
METaS on Facebook
HSI-STEM grant (Hispanic-Serving Institution) and supports on-campus opportunities and resources for Latino/a or low-income students who are interested in pursuing STEM majors (science, technology, engineering, and math). We are committed to helping students reach their goals through programs that foster an inclusive learning environment. Services include:
  • Tutoring: Drop-in tutoring in the Integrated Science Center (ISC), the Math Resource Center (MRC), the Learning Center, and other study spaces on campus
  • Math and Science Jams: One week of math and science workshops before the start of each semester, designed to sharpen student's math skills
  • Science-In-Action Speaker Series: Semester-long speaker series to inspire, encourage, and educate prospective and current STEM students
  • Supplemental Instruction: Peer-lead classroom support for designated math and science courses
  • Study Halls: Extended study hours in the Integrated Science Center (ISC) during the last two weeks of each semester to help students prepare for finals
  • Internships and Opportunities: Promotion of STEM-related internships and scholarships along with workshops to support the application process
  • Outreach: Organized events throughout the year to promote and celebrate the STEM field