METaS at College of San Mateo - Meet the Staff

Meet the Staff

Heeju Jang, Research Analyst

Heeju Jang

Title: Planning and Research Analyst
Responsibilities: Provide leadership and research/evaluation oversight for all aspects of HSI-STEM grant, including responding to external requests and conducting formative evaluation; design and perform HSI-STEM grant related analytical projects using quantitative and qualitative research methodologies; support and enhance informed decision-making, strategic planning, and institutional self-assessments; provide research/data support for institutional and district-wide initiatives.
Years at CSM: Since 2018
Education: Ph.D., Education, UC Berkeley; M.A., Education, UCLA; B.A., Philosophy, CSU East Bay
Other Interests: Facilitation of an experiential workshop designed to develop interpersonal and group communication skills at Stanford Graduate School of Business, storytelling, yoga, skydiving, and mentoring. 
Korean and English
Jennifer De La Cruz, Adjunct Counselor

Jennifer De La Cruz

Title: Adjunct Counselor
Responsibilities: Provide academic, career, and personal counseling and empower students to meet their educational and career goals.
Years at CSM: Since 2016
Education: M.S., Counseling, San Francisco State University; B.A. Sociology, San Francisco State University;
A.A., Skyline College
Other Interests: Spending time with family and friends, Latinx cultural events, traveling, always learning new things, fostering transformational resistant minds and being a social justice warrior.
Languages: Spanish and English