METaS at College of San Mateo - Online Course Design Support
Online Course Design Support


  • Provide faculty support and training to improve Latinx and English Language Learner student success in online learning.

Services Available

  • One-on-one consultation to look over your course materials and check for accessibility and Universal Design for Learning principles by utilizing the OEI Rubric and/or the Peralta Equity Rubric.
  • Brainstorm on how to develop regular and effective contact practices in your online courses. Discussions, partner and group projects or assignments, and peer review are just a sampling of common means for facilitating student-to-student contact.
  • Exploration of the use of open education resources (OER) in your discipline, which saves students lots of money and better supports low-income students.


  • Paul Hankamp,, (650) 574-6626
  • In this role, I am here to help you as a peer. This is not formal review, but rather a professional development opportunity for you.
  • I look forward to seeing what you do in your online courses!